TestStation 多站点在线解决方案
与传统的单一站点测试系统相比,泰瑞达的 TestStation 多站点系统可提供 2-4 倍的测试容量和 200-400% 的测试生产力,同时成本减少高达 40-50%。
TestStation 多站点在线测试解决方案的特点包括:
- “零占地”测试头设计,与泰瑞达 TestStation 在线自动化装置集成使用时可用于极为狭小的自动化空间
- 具备适用于在线测试应用程序的自动化即用功能
- 可轻松迁移至现有的自动化测试
- “准确复制”自动化和测试结果
- 支持轻松扩展,可提供各种 MDA、ICT 以及功能系统级测试
The TestStation Multi-Site Inline test system supports all the standard and optional features of the TestStation Family, but is unique in the following ways:
- Resource-optimized Multi-Site system design
- Automation ready for inline integration
- Multi-Site parallel test capability for the fastest inline production speeds
- Designed to easily integrate within the TestStation Inline Handler or other industry-leading automation equipment supplies
- Supports up to 5 card slots per site, configurable with analog only, pure pin, hybrid, or high-density pin cards
- Pin counts up to 2,560 per site