IG-XL Software
Simplified Program Development for Multisite Test
Teradyne’s award winning IG-XL software transforms test program development for the FLEX, UltraFLEX and J750 family of testers. Its powerful, yet easy-to-use, graphical environment lets engineers rapidly develop fully functional test programs, cutting program development and debugging time. Designed to address multisite complexity, IG-XL can convert single site test programs to multisite automatically, speeding time to market and reducing cost of test. With IG-XL, test engineers focus on actual testing, not writing code for the tester.

Faster Time to Market
IG-XL enables 30% faster development of multisite programs compared with competitive ATE software systems
- Visual Basic For Test: A powerful, easy to use and learn programming language
- Device Centric Programming
- Efficient: less than 50% lines of code compared to other ATE programming languages
- Encourages code reuse
- No compile necessary – enables debug in the “zone”
- Native Multisite Programming: Zero effort from single site to multisite
- Automatic management of site selection and activation
- Write for single site -run multi site using site aware variables
- Site aware flow control
- True CT: Faster Time To Optimized Concurrent Test
- Same test code for executing serially or concurrently
- Modular Test Development: Efficient collaboration and code reuse
- Integrated Modulation/Demodulation Libraries
- ESA Tool Kit combines standard bench measurement algorithims with full waveform library
Optimal Throughput
IG-XL enables optimal throughput early in the product ramp resulting in faster time to profits
- Novice IG-XL users can write highly efficient programs without the help of advanced users
- Native Multisite programming = Zero effort from single site to multisite
- Automatic management of site selection and activation
- Write for single site -run multi site using site aware variables
- Site aware flow control
- Pure Parallel Software and System Broadcast enable high parallel test efficiency
- Background DSP enables users to take advantage of multithreaded DSP computation and data movement in the background without any special coding
- True CT and CTOptimizer enable achieving high concurrent test efficiency without any code modifications
- Timelines tools provides a graphical view of all aspects of execution to help the test engineer quickly identify potential throughput bottlenecks that can be optimized
Fewer Defect Escapes
Test programming mistakes can lead to defect escapes. IG-XL’s tools help test engineer eliminate programming issues before release to production
- IG-Review audits a test program for common programming mistakes and other potential issues
- Real Time Audit Tool monitors tester programming during execution to make sure device-specific rules are not violated in a way that can over stress the device or interface hardware
- IG-Diff helps users compare test program versions and create release documentation to make sure no un-intended changes are released to production
Faster Time to Entitled Yield
IG-XL provides the necessary tools to effectively and efficiently collect the diagnostic data needed to improve yield
- To improve yield, test engineers must collect lots of test data without impacting cost of test. By making the data easy and cheap to collect IG-XL users can reach entitled yields quicker
- Using the Scan Fail Processing Template, users can quickly collect and log scan failures in STDF or EDA specific formats
- IG-XL open an extensible design makes it easy to integrate into anyone’s design and test eco-systems
- Together with Teseda’s Scan Workbench IG-XL provides a real time interactive scan fail debug analysis solution for Failure Analysis labs and device bring-up and characterization